How I made $2.44 with Google AdMob before my account was suspended

James Xabregas
3 min readJan 13, 2022


Figure 1: Your life after AdMob. Did you notice all the $100 bills or were you looking somewhere else?

For mobile app developers, the road to riches is paved with advertising.

After a few hundred impressions and 5 clicks, I made $2.44!

Let that sink in.

Two dollars and forty-four cents!

Figure B: Proof of my resounding success!

I can’t believe it!

It might not be enough to make it rain but if you get that in pennies, you can certainly make it hail!

In fact, I was doing so well that Google suspended my account in less than a week after I launched in-app advertising!

Why? Because they were afraid!

They realised that I had cracked the secret to making unbelievable returns using Google AdMob!

Everything I’m telling you is true. You can do this too, I promise you!

This isn’t another get rich scheme; this is the real deal!

Simply put in hundreds of hours (maybe thousands) building a great app.

Release it.

Promote it.

Build an audience.

Then **whispers** drop in the AdMob SDK.

Do all that and you’re on your way to making bank like a boss!

How did I uncover this unbelievable secret?

Well first let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I spent 16 years working unfulfilling corporate IT roles in large enterprises.

The stress was high, and the senior management inept.

But two years ago, I left all that for the startup life and founded Sparkello, a platform for goal setting and personal development.

Over the last 6 months, user growth has swelled and I realised now is the ideal time to unlock the riches of my app’s potential by introducing Google AdMob.

I spent over a week integrating the AdMob SDK and tweaking the layout of the native ad format so that it would fit nicely into my user’s Home feed.

It was all looking perfect, so I launched it into the App Store and Google Play.

Figure 😃: Sparkello looking classy (as always)

The response was unbelievable. I could not have planned it better.

Five clicks.

Two Dollars.





So, Google pulled the breaks.

Of course they would! I was raking in the pennies. They’d have to declare bankruptcy inside the month at that rate.

Figaro: The smell of fear!

Invalid traffic they said. From where? They wouldn’t say. Those five deviously profitable clicks were far too much to handle.

But we started something.

I know it, and now you know it.

You know that all that hard work integrating the Google AdMob SDK is worth every second of your time and it will pay off big.

Two dollars and forty-four cents big!

This secret gives you great power!

And remember, with great power comes great profitability.

James Xabregas is the founder and director of Sparkello. In his spare time, he enjoys referring to himself in the third person.



James Xabregas

Manipulating electrons for fun and profit. Thoughts on tech, startups, politics, life. Co-founder of